Menitorix Short Course (Hib/Men C) – Elearning


This is part of the ‘Health Academy Short Course’ series and provides clinicians with specific information related to the Menitorix vaccine.

This course is suitable for all Registered Healthcare Professionals, including Nurses, Pharmacists and GPs that administer this vaccine in practice.


This is part of the ‘Health Academy Short Course’ series and provides clinicians with specific information related to the Menitorix vaccine.

This course is suitable for all Registered Healthcare Professionals, including Nurses, Pharmacists and GPs that administer this vaccine in practice.

This ‘Short Course’ will take approximately 60 minutes to complete.


The course will cover key details of the vaccine and the diseases that it protects against.


Menitorix is a vaccine that can be given to children after the age of 2 months up to 2 years to
prevent infectious diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Neisseria
meningitidis group C (MenC) bacteria. The vaccine works by causing the body to produce its
own protection (antibodies) against these bacteria. The vaccine cannot cause Hib and MenC.

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib): Hib bacteria most frequently cause meningitis
(inflammation of the coverings of the brain and spinal cord). Even after recovery from Hib
meningitis there can be complications such as mental retardation, spastic paralysis,
deafness or epilepsy. Hib infection can also cause a life-threatening inflammation of the
throat with severe swelling that can cause suffocation. Less commonly, the bacteria can
infect other parts of the body, particularly the lungs (causing pneumonia) and the bones
and joints.
Neisseria meningitidis group C (MenC): Like Hib bacteria, MenC bacteria most
frequently cause meningitis. They may also cause severe blood infections and spread
throughout the body.

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