NHS Community Pharmacy – Hypertension Case Finding Service – Elearning


This NHS hypertension case finding clinical training is a comprehensive course that will ensure that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are confident and competent when delivering the service.

CPD Hours 2


The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHSE&I commission a Hypertension case finding service, as an Advanced service for community pharmacy. It is important that pharmacists delivering the service have sufficient knowledge and skills in delivery of the service and relevant referral pathways. This NHS hypertension case finding clinical training is a comprehensive course that will ensure that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are confident and competent when delivering the service.


Who is the training suitable for?

The NHS hypertension case finding clinical training training is suitable for any pharmacist that will be delivering this service.


So what modules have we included in the training?

Health Academy will meet the training needs by providing an e-learning course that includes:

  • An understanding of vascular risk and the NHS health check programme 
  • An overview and assessment of the NICE Guideline – Hypertension in adults:diagnosis and management
  • Access to and assessment of the NHS Community Pharmacy Hypertension Case-Finding Advanced Service Specification 
  • Access to training manuals and videos all in one place for the BIHS (British & Irish Hypertension Society) validated BP monitors. As recommended in the service specification. 


How long will the training take me to complete?

We appreciate everyone learns at a different pace, we have allocated 2 CPD hours to this course. However, you will have ongoing access to the resources to refer to following completion of the training.

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