Minor Illness in Young People 13-17 years

Our ‘Minor Illness in Young People’ course aims to provide nurses and healthcare professionals with essential skills for best practice in assessing and managing adolescent health complaints. Participants will gain practical expertise in history-taking and clinical assessments for safe and effective diagnosis of common minor illnesses in general practice.


Image showing '21 CPD Hours' and the Clinical Standards Office logo for the Minor Illness in Young People Course


Key course information



Image showing a young woman complaining of head pain to a healthcare professional

This comprehensive Minor Illness in Young People course is designed to equip practice nurses and other healthcare professionals working in primary care with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively diagnose and manage minor illnesses in young people aged 13-17. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of common minor illnesses, enhance their clinical assessment capabilities and history taking skills, and develop effective communication strategies to engage with adolescents and their families.

The course also explores legal and professional responsibilities and the importance of collaboration for cohesive and continuous care. Participants will engage in practical examples, case studies, and interactive discussions to solidify their skills and apply evidence-based approaches to real-world scenarios. This course is designed to provide current best practice and practical skills essential for healthcare professionals working with adolescents. It aims to enhance the quality of care provided to young individuals experiencing minor illnesses while promoting a holistic approach to adolescent health.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants earn a certificate in Minor Illness in Young People 13-17, providing a pathway to gain clinical competence and practice under supervision through hands-on experience and mentorship in practice.



Minor Illness in Young People 13-17 yearsCore Modules




Additional Information


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Developed in line with UK National Standards and Guidelines (including those in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) and guidance from the NHS, NICE, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH).




What delegates say about our courses


5 gold stars review

“Really easy website to use and lots of useful websites to expand your knowledge.”

Jessica Brooks


5 gold stars review“This was my first experience at online learning, and I was extremely impressed. Feedback from my colleagues has also been positive. I know where to turn to for any future online learning and have no hesitation in recommending this company.”

Michaela McCall




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