Global Health

Covid Crisis the Swedish approach (video version)
Euan and Neil discuss Sweden’s approach to the Covid crisis, and Neil gets tested for Covid-19. To view this content, you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.To do so, please follow these...
Viral Load and the risk of Covid
In any outbreak of a new disease, information emerges slowly and rumours are rife. Knowledge and understanding of how to avoid the infection and also what treatments may work against it become apparent slowly over time. Often though it is helpful to look at how...
Returning to the NHS for the Covid Crisis (podcast version)
Euan and Neil discuss their recent experiences returning to the NHS for the Covid-19 crisis, and also about some of the other projects they have been working at Health Academy. They also have a country focus on Ecuador and Mauritius. This version is the shorter edited...
Covid-19 in Kathmandu
The Lincoln (American) School closed on Monday (23rd March) and The British School here in Kathmandu closes as of today (27th March). Expatriate teachers have been given the option to flee back home in light of the current pandemic and some have decided to do just...