Tuberculosis for Travel & Occupational Health – Elearning

(6 customer reviews)


Welcome to this tuberculosis vaccine course which discusses travel and occupational health risk and provides clinicians with specific information relating to the Tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) and screening tests available in the UK…read more.


Welcome to this tuberculosis vaccine course which discusses travel and occupational health risk and provides clinicians with specific information relating to the Tuberculosis vaccine (BCG) and screening tests available in the UK.

So who is this TB course suitable for?

This course is suitable for any experienced vaccinators who’s role will involve administering the BCG vaccine. Or anyone who wants to improve their knowledge on tuberculosis. Therefore this could include immunisation nurses, practice nurses, travel health nurses, pharmacists or any healthcare professional administering vaccines.

What have we included in this TB course?

We have designed the vaccine short courses to cover all the key information for understanding the fundamentals of the disease, and the available vaccines. Therefore this course includes information on the live vaccine and it’s risks. This course provides 2 hours of CPD.

Course content:

  • Introduction to diseases transmitted direct from person to person
  • The 5 Ts of Tuberculosis: Type – Type of organism and type of disease, Transmission route – How does the traveller become infected, Treatment & prevention – What treatments and preventative measures are available pre and post infection, Traveller’s Risk – What factors increase a traveller’s risk & Take home message – Key message for the traveller
  • Occupational Risks for Tuberculosis
  • TB screening process including an overview of BCG scar checks, Mantoux and IGRA testing
  • BCG vaccine

So what’s not included?

Please note: This is a stand alone tuberculosis short course.  It is therefore NOT a substitute course for BCG vaccine administration training.

It is also NOT a Foundations of Immunisation Course for those new to immunising or an Annual Immunisation Update Course.

Other considerations

We also recommend completing a comprehensive Fundamentals of Travel Health course if you are going to be delivering a travel health service. This is in line with Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service (RGPSG, 2020).

Further travel health related short courses are also available here.

Group booking - click for discounted rates

6 reviews for Tuberculosis for Travel & Occupational Health – Elearning

  1. Alys Bunce

    Everything one should know about TB in a clear and well-presented way. As a tutor who delivers BCG training I find this to be the perfect accompaniment to the practical courses

  2. Andrew Hunter

    Would like to see more information on how to care for a positive mantoux test

  3. Heather Clark

    The course met my expectations, it was interactive and ease to navigate.

  4. Robin Warming (verified owner)

    I really liked how user friendly this course was, very simple to navigate and the information was clear and laid out well.

  5. Robin Warming (verified owner)

    I really liked how user friendly this course was, very simple to navigate and the information was clear and laid out well.

  6. Tina Mark

    Very user friendly, and met all my expectations.

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