Practice Manager

Deprescribing: Just Because It Was Appropriate Then… It Might Not Be Now
Deprescribing in my opinion can be more important than the act of prescribing but what does this involve? Deprescribing is a term first used in 2003 and is defined by deprescribing.org as ‘planned and supervised process of dose reduction or stopping of medication that...
Should We Use Alcohol Swabs Before Injections? A Look At The Arguments
At the beginning of November 2024, it was reported in the news that 77-year-old, Patricia Lines, had sadly died shortly after receiving a Vitamin B12 injection the year before, in October 2023. On the day following the injection, she had become unwell and was admitted...
Exploring the Role of the Nursing Associate and the Benefits in Primary Care
The Nursing Associate role was introduced in 2017 when Health Education England launched a pilot study across the UK, involving 2,000 trainee Nursing Associates. This initiative was in response to “Raising the Bar – The Shape of Caring Review,” led...
Supporting Families Through Baby Loss: A Guide for Primary Care Professionals During Baby Loss Awareness Week
Globally, the loss of a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth remains a difficult topic to discuss, often surrounded by silence. Unfortunately, this silence can sometimes be linked to feelings of stigma or shame, which need to be addressed openly. According to the...