Clinical Lead

Raising awareness of Mental Health challenges during the festive period
Our mental health is as important as our physical health in our daily lives. The state of our mental health influences everything – from our thoughts, actions and emotions. It can affect our relationships, our work, and even our physical health – but so...
Promoting a learning based culture in the workplace
Promoting a learning based culture in healthcare settings is essential in order to meet standards of practice to be able to deliver high quality safe and effective patient care. In a field where evidence based practice is critical, promoting a positive learning based...
How to keep up to date in Travel Health
As travel health professionals we have a vital role in ensuring the health and safety of our travellers whilst away. The field of travel health is fast paced and constantly evolving. With these rapid changes means that it is more important than ever to stay up to...
Preparing for your NMC nursing revalidation
Revalidation – it shouldn’t be a scary word or something as nurses we fear. If you keep on top of the requirements and are prepared, revalidation should be a breeze. In fact, we can even go so far as to say revalidation can be seen as a positive,...