Getting a Grip: The Importance of Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Training

by | Jul 31, 2024

At Health Academy, we aim to empower organisations with the knowledge they need to keep their employees safe and healthy. Today, we’re focusing on a topic that might not seem glamorous but can have a serious impact on your workforce: Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).

HAVS is a debilitating condition caused by prolonged exposure to vibrating tools and equipment. It can lead to numbness, tingling, pain, and even a loss of grip strength in the hands and arms.

Think of it this way: if your employees can’t grip a coffee mug comfortably, can they perform their jobs safely? Not to mention the long-term health implications and potential legal headaches for your company.

A chainsaw and protective helmet sat ontop of a fallen tree

Case Study: Metal Workers in Sheffield

In July 2023, a metal bar manufacturer in Sheffield was fined £200,000 in court for breaching the Health & Safety at Work Act in the case of two of their workers who suffered from hand-arm vibration syndrome. HAVS developed over a period of time as they used vibrating tools throughout the manufacturing process.

The case was brought to court after the Health & Safety Executive discovered there was no hand-arm vibration risk assessment in place at the organisation and that there were no control measure to reduce employee exposure to vibrations.

This case provides a stark warning to employers that non-compliance with regulations including the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 can lead to serious legal action and risk to their workforce’s health and safety.

A worker using a a metal cutting implement, wearing safety gloves, glasses and a hard hat. Demonstrating the importance of Hand Arm Vibration Awareness Training.

Empowering Your Team: The Benefits of Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Training

Here’s how Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Training benefits your business and your employees:

  • Reduced Risk of HAVS: Employees learn to identify vibration hazards, use tools properly, and take preventative measures.
  • Improved Productivity: Healthy and comfortable workers are more productive and engaged.
  • Enhanced Safety Culture: Training demonstrates your commitment to a safe work environment.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Many countries have regulations requiring HAVS awareness training.

By prioritising Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Training, you’re not just complying with regulations, you’re investing in your most valuable asset – your employees. A healthy and empowered workforce leads to a safer, more productive, and ultimately, a more successful business.

Check out our our range of compliance training courses

Hand Arm Vibration Awareness


This Hand Arm Vibration Awareness Training course looks at the effects of hand-arm vibration, who’s at risk, how to recognise the damage it causes, and what can be done to reduce harmful exposure.

Risk Assessments


This Risk Assessment Training is a key Health & Safety course that teaches you both what Risk Assessments are, as well as how and when to perform them. Understand the benefits of comprehensive risk assessments, and comply with basic legislation.

Essential Health and Safety


This basic Health and Safety Training programme covers the key areas of Health and Safety that you are legally required to train your staff in. It provides an easy-to-follow but comprehensive introduction to the major topics that will keep your workplace safe.

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